Organization Name | Organization Name (Local Language) | Country | Factors | Organization Description |
Human Rights Commissioner of the Republic of Kazakhstan | ????????? ????????????????? ???? ????????? ????????? ????? | Kazakhstan |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
The Commissioner is responsible for overseeing all human rights related issues in the country and encroachments on the part of states officials. The office also ensures that Kazakhstan complies with the highest international standards and norms, and develops educational materials for the population to understand their human and civil rights |
Human Rights Consultative Committee | Malawi |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Set up in 1995, it seeks to coordinate the activities of the various Malawian NGOs working on human rigths issues, through guiding principles and capacitation. |
Human Rights Council Ethiopia | Ethiopia |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 3: Open Government
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
Founded in 1991, HRCO is an independent organization that works towards building a democratic system though the promotion of the rule of law and due process, and encouraging and conducting human rights monitoring. |
Human Rights Defenders Institute (DDH) | Instituto de Defensores de Direitos Humanos (DDH) | Brazil |
Factor 5: Order and Security
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
Works to provide legal assistance and representation to victims of institutional violence and deprived of liberty, and offers training and workshops for human rights defenders. |
Human Rights Defense League (LADO) - Cluj | Liga Ap?r?rii Drepturilor Omului (LADO) Cluj | Romania |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Works to defend the rights of migrants and aliens, along with fostering civic participation in these issues. |
Human Rights Expert Center | ?????????? ????? ? ???? ?????? | Ukraine |
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
The Center works to develop functional mechanisms for the defense, good treatment and resocialisation of offenders within the criminal justice. |
Human Rights First | International |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
A non-profit, nonpartisan international human rights organization based in the U.S. |
Human Rights Focus | Uganda |
Factor 5: Order and Security
A nework of organizations working for human rights, good governance, democracy, and transitional justice |
Human Rights Institute of South Africa (HURISA) | South Africa |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Works to guarantee the rights of all people, and to assist local governments in providing access to human rights along with protecting people who are victims of gender based violence. |
Human Rights Joint Platform | ?nsan Haklar? Ortak Platformu (?HOP) | Turkey |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice
IHOP works on various issue areas including access to justice, human rights, and Inpunity. |
Human Rights Law Centre | Australia |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
It is a non government organization that combines the efforts of law firms, academics, and other organizations to provide human rights training and to increase the accountability of Australia in protecting international human rights standards. |
Human Rights Law Network | India |
Factor 7: Civil Justice
The Human Rights Law Network (HRLN) is a division of the Socio-Legal Information Centre and is a collective of lawyers and social activists dedicated to the use of the legal system to advance human rights, struggle against violations, and ensure access to justice for all. |
Human Rights Network - Uganda | Uganda |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
A Network of human rights organizations working to advance child rights, women's rights, and civil and poliitcal rights |
Human Rights Network for Journalists | Uganda |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 3: Open Government
Monitors attacks and threats to journalists and suppression of free press and offers legal, medical, and psychological support |
Human Rights Network Group | Russia |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 6: Regulatory Enforcement
Works as a Hub on assistance and technical training for civil society in Russia, and projects with a special focus on online privacy and internet freedom |
Human Rights Network of Panama | Red de Derechos Humanos de Panama | Panama |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 3: Open Government
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
It comprises a group of civil society organizations working to protect the human rights of vulnerable communities and individuals. It provides a space for legal protections for members of small community based organization and human rights defenders. |
Human Rights Ombudsman | Défenseur des Droits | France |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Independent Government Body working to monitor public officials' conduct and public policy, and defend children and minority rights. |
Human Rights Organisation of Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
The organisation comprises a mix of retired officials, justices of peace, leaders of social services, and scholars who work to further human rights and social welfare in Sri Lankan communities. |
Human Rights Priority | ????????? ???????? ?????????? | Georgia |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 5: Order and Security
Factor 8: Criminal Justice
Uses strategic litigation at the national and European level in order to defend victims of displacement and war crimes during the Russian-Georgian war, and to defend journalists, human rights, women victims of abuse and civilians in civil justice processes. |
Human Rights Research and Advocacy Consortium (HRRAC) | Afghanistan |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 5: Order and Security
HRRAC works to defend the rights of Afghans and to improve their security through locally led programs on security, health, environment and human rights. |
Human Rights Unit - Nepal Police (HRU) | Nepal |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Human Rights Unit is firmly upholding the realm of International standard of Human rights in policing and monitoring the human rights practices within the organization. |
Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) | Human Rights Working Group (HRWG) | Indonesia |
Factor 1: Constraints on Government Powers
Factor 3: Open Government
Works to monitor government powers in respecting human rights and organising a civil society network for action and participation. |
Humanitarian Assistance for the Women and Children of Afghanistan (HAWCA) | Afghanistan |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice
HAWCA is a human rights organization that works to improve women's and children rights in Afghanistan through providing legal assistance, legal tranings, and counselling. |
Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics (HOME) | Singapore |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Works to promote and expand the rights of migrants, and to investigate sex trafficking cases of migrants, while pushing for anti trafficking policy at the national level. |
Hungarian Civil Liberties Union (HCLU) | Társaság a Szabadságjogokért | Hungary |
Factor 4: Fundamental Rights
Factor 7: Civil Justice
Founded in 1994, it protects fundamental human rights in Hungary. It monitors legislation, pursues strategic litigation, and provides free legal aid assistance. Their areas of focus include guaranteeing the right to freedom of expression, the right to health, and the right to self-determination, to name a few. |