Last updated: March 3, 2021

The World Justice Project, a Washington non-profit corporation (hereafter, the "WJP," "we," or "us") respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same. Our Terms of Use prohibit posting of unauthorized content that infringes on another person’s rights on our website (, as well as all other websites, webpages, and other Internet-based services under our control (the "Service"). We may, at our sole discretion, disable or terminate the user account of any person who appears to be infringing on the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of others. With regard to copyrights, the WJP provides the following process for a copyright owner to submit a complaint concerning content posted or otherwise shared by a user of the Service, along with a chance for the accused infringer to submit a counter-notice in defense of their position:


In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998, codified in 17 U.S.C. § 512, et seq. ("DMCA"), the text of which may be found on the U.S. Copyright Office website at, the WJP will respond expeditiously to claims of copyright infringement committed using the Service that are reported to the WJP’s Designated Copyright Agent, identified below.

Please note that whether or not we disable access to or remove the allegedly infringing content, the WJP may also attempt to forward the written notification, including the complainant’s contact information, to the specific user who posted, uploaded, or created the content or take other reasonable steps to notify that user that the WJP has received notice of an alleged violation of intellectual property rights.

If you are not sure whether material on the Service infringes on your copyright, please consult with an attorney before filing a DMCA notification. Misrepresenting that material infringes on your copyright may subject you to liability for damages.


Pursuant to the DMCA, the WJP has implemented procedures for receiving written notification of claimed infringements (each, a "DMCA Notice"). The WJP has also designated an agent to receive DMCA Notices. If you believe in good faith that your copyright has been infringed, please provide a Notice including the following information to our Designated Copyright Agent:

  1. Your physical or electronic signature
  2. Identification of the copyright-protected work that you claim has been infringed or, if the claim involves multiple works on the Service, a representative list of such works.;
  3. Identification of the material on the Service that you claim is infringing, in a sufficiently precise manner to allow us to locate that material;
  4. Adequate information by which we can contact you (including your name, postal address, telephone number, and, if available, email address).
  5. Include both of the following statements in the body of the notice:

"I hereby state that I have a good faith belief that the disputed use of the copyrighted material or reference or link to such material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law (e.g., as a fair use)."

"I hereby state that the information in this Notice is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner, or authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of the copyright or of an exclusive right under the copyright that is allegedly infringed."

Deliver this notice, with all items completed, to our Designated Copyright Agent:

Enrique Paulin
World Justice Project
1025 Vermont Ave #1200
Washington, D.C. 20005
[email protected]

If you fail to comply with all of the requirements of Section 512(c)(3) of the DMCA, your DMCA Notice may not be effective.

Please be aware that if you knowingly materially misrepresent that material or activity on the Service is infringing your copyright, you may be held liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) under Section 512(f) of the DMCA.


If you believe that a notice of copyright infringement has been improperly submitted against you, you may submit a Counter-Notice pursuant to Sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of the DMCA. To do so, please provide the following information to our Designated Copyright Agent, identified above:

  1. Your physical or electronic signature.
  2. Your full name, your email address, your mailing address;
  3. Identification of the material removed or to which access has been disabled;
  4. A statement under penalty of perjury that you have a good faith belief that removal or disablement of the material was a mistake or that the material was misidentified;
  5. A statement that you will consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which your address is located (or if you reside outside the United States for any judicial district in which the Service may be found) and that you will accept service from the person (or an agent of that person) who provided the Service with the complaint at issue.

Our designated agent to receive Counter Notices is:

Rebecca Silvas
World Justice Project
1025 Vermont Ave #1200
Washington, D.C. 20005
(202) 407-9330
[email protected]

The DMCA allows us to restore the removed content if the party filing the original DMCA Notice does not file a court action against you within ten business days of receiving the copy of your Counter Notice.

Please be aware that if you knowingly materially misrepresent that material or activity on the Service was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification, you may be held liable for damages (including costs and attorneys' fees) under Section 512(f) of the DMCA.


It is our policy in appropriate circumstances to disable and/or terminate the accounts of users who are repeat infringers.