In most countries, women and girls suffer disproportionately from weak rule of law and face multiple barriers to justice. Women earn less than men, have limited land and property rights, encounter discrimination in education and healthcare, face gender-based violence, and are underrepresented in governance and decision-making. Even where good laws exist, women are often unaware of their rights, the laws are not always enforced, or the laws may conflict with local customs and culture. Yet women and girls are also central to solutions to many of our world’s toughest challenges. Putting the rule of law behind women’s rights leads to better family nutrition and health; improved education for children; reduced vulnerability to HIV/AIDS; better access to assets and finance for families; and greater economic growth and security for communities and nations.
Nearly two-thirds of Kenyan girls experience sexual assault. In 2012 the Kenyan High Court found that police failure to enforce existing rape law had created a climate of impunity. This project is ...
LACC is dedicated to uplift the legal, social, economic and cultural status of women and children, uphold their dignity and eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence. Provision of free legal aid is LACC's core service and an example of micro-level activism.
Shakti Samuha is established in Nepal and is run by survivors of trafficking. The goal of Shakti Samuha is to establish a progressive society, devoid of trafficking and other forms of violence against women. It's objective is to advocate and lobby for necessary changes in the law. It also coordinates with local, national and international organizations.
FWLD works for the protection, promotion and enjoyment human rights. In order to eliminate all forms of discrimination, FWLD uses law as an instrument to ensure the rights of women, children, minorities and all other marginalized groups.
Judges working to promote the rights of women judges, women and children in the legal system in Malawi, and strengthening the accessibility of Malawi's legal system.
Alliance against Trafficking in Women & Children in Nepal (AATWIN) has been working to raise the strong and collective voice against human trafficking. It works to bring about policy change at the local, national and international level.
An organization which seeks to promote human rights of women and young persons. It trains and educates young women and men in order for them to become community leaders, and promote justice and gender rights.
The Fund seeks to strengthen and provide support to CSOs (especially women's movements) in Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus, through the creation of a culture of philanthropy and public participation, along with defending the rights of women.
Works to defend the reprodutive rights of women and to maintain existing abortion laws and to extend the right to abortion around the country.